Where to store testdata and testcases, the endless discussion

06.10.2023 | by Ralph Van Der Horst

Where to store testdata and testcases, the endless discussion

Why Test Data is Important: Testmanagements perspective: A Simple Guide

Hello, readers! Today, we talk about testcases and test data in making software and where to manage it. Test data and testcases is like a practice exam for our software. Both developers and testers have ideas about how to manage this data. Let’s see what they think.

Developers and Test Data

-Keep it Close: Developers like test data near the software code. This way, if the code changes, the test data can change easily too. -Track Changes: If test data is with the code, developers can see old versions. This helps them understand what changed and when. -Fast Testing: When test data is close, testing the software is quicker. There’s no need to get data from somewhere else.

Testers and Test Data

-Lots of Data: Testers use a lot of test data. If all this data is with the code, things can get messy. -Keep Secrets Safe: Some test data might have private information. It’s safer to keep this data away from the main code. -Easy Changes: If test data is separate, testers can change it without touching the main code. This gives them more freedom.

Where to Keep Test Data and testcases?

With the Main Code:

-Good: Everything is together. Testing is quick. -Not Good: Too much data can make things confusing. There’s a risk of showing private information.

Separate Place:

-Good: The main code stays clean. Private data is safer. -Not Good: Takes longer to bring everything together for testing. The code and data might not always match.

What’s the Best Way?

Best practice which I always advise: Unit/module and application level with Code: For small tests, it’s good to keep data with the code.

Big Data Separate: For big chain tests, it’s better to keep data and testacases in a different place. There should be less chain tests which can also btw be input for UAT/Performance test, so it should normally be maintainable


In the end, the best way depends on the project. Both developers and testers need to talk and decide together. The goal is to test the software well and keep everything organized, but think about the end strategy what the needs are for all your stakeholders

by Ralph Van Der Horst

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